Back-to-School 2017

Thursday, September 7, 2017

I can't believe we are starting another school year already!  I have to say, a LOT has changed in my life since I last posted in 2015!!!  But I will save that for another blog post!  Today I want to focus on all that is NEW for my school year!

* New School - {Like BRAND, spanking NEW - still
partially under construction!!}
* New Grade(s)
* New Staff
* New Curriculum
* My kids are even at a NEW school this year!

I am teaching at Carver Elementary, in Carver, Minnesota.
For the past year, I have been on the Core Team working to plan, design and prepare this amazing new school for our new students and staff!  I have been honored to work alongside some AMAZING teachers and administrators throughout this entire process!  

We were able to move into our new school on Monday, August 21st!  Boy did that leave me {and others} a wee-bit stressed!  But guess what?!  It all worked out, we moved in and got our classrooms ready to welcome the students!  {Do you see all of that amazing natural light?!  I LOVE MY NEW CLASSROOM!!!}

Workshop week was spent unpacking boxes, attending a few meetings, organizing my classroom, and labeling things to welcome the most *adorable* first and second graders!!

In the end, I am quite proud of this little space that I share with my friends and am so excited to embark on a wonderful journey with all of my colleagues at Carver Elementary!  

But before I leave this post tonight...I need to introduce my Dream Team that helped me get this space ready to go!  Above you'll see my adorable children:  Mason (9.5 yrs old) and Kylie (10.5 yrs old) and my beautiful fiance, Jen!  Jen spent many hours in this room organizing drawers and cupboards that I just "dumped" to get the things out of boxes!!  I really can't thank her enough!

As I headed off to my first days of 1st and 2nd grades, my kiddos started their time at a new school as well.  I unfortunately didn't have them on the first day of school {they were at their dad's house} but I did get them to ROCK some 2nd day of school pictures for me!  They're such good sports!  

Happy Back to School!
I look forward to sharing some of my fun adventures in the classroom with you as well as some of the cool lessons and activities that my kids LOVE!!  I hope if you have a fun activity or idea, you'll share it back with me!

- Ms. McNeely -

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