We're on a bit of a budget crunch when it comes to printing these days. So, I've opted to use the notebooks that come with school supplies in the most useful ways I can figure out. For math, that means "Interactive Notebooks!" I've been searching around the web for ideas and have found lots of great ones on TpT. However, these first few weeks I've just used things I've created.
We started the year off with reviewing 1st grade concepts, such as addition, subtraction, partners and totals. I had the kids use construction paper to make "pockets" for their math facts. They were able to create their own math flash cards to put in the pockets and it was fun to watch them get creative!
In Math Expressions we learn using "Math Mountains" and so we made some math mountains to remember how we can use them to both add and subtract.
I also came up with a cheesy little song *because I think singing and movement help us remember things* - take a peek at the lyrics...
The total on the top.
The total on the top.
The big 'ole number is the total on the top!
*While singing the kids hold their hands in a big circle above their heads!
*Sung to the tune of "Farmer in the Dell"
Today in Math Expressions, 2nd grade, Unit 2, Lesson 2 - we learned about 2D shapes. Specifically, we learned about squares, rectangles and triangles. The kids enjoyed getting to see the shapes, work with them and then glue them in their notebooks with special "reminders" about each of the shapes and what makes them special.
Do you use Interactive Notebooks? What is your favorite resource for ideas or do you design them yourself? Leave me some details in the comments! I can't wait to hear what you're doing!!
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