Scrabble Cheez-its

Monday, August 18, 2014

I wanted to do something fun, so for the last day of Summer Explorers, I picked up these Scrabble Junior Cheez-its at the store.  The kids got a kick out of them!  I divided the class into small groups of 2-3 students with a bunch of cheez-its.  Throughout the morning they had a few tasks to accomplish with their group.  
1. Spell words I told them - I used words from our 1st grade Dolch Word List.
2. Spell out the entire ABC's in order.  (If they were missing a letter they could write it on the paper towel and leave a blank space where it should go.)
3. See how many words from a word family they could spell with the cheez-its on their desk.  (ex. cat, mat, bat, rat)

I figured they would want to enjoy some of the cheez-its, so I bought some generic ones for snacking!  This activity was definitely a hit!

What else could you do with these Scrabble Junior Cheez-its in the classroom?  Leave your ideas below in the comments!

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