Currently: November 2014

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Today I'm linking up with Farley from Oh Boy, Fourth Grade to share what I'm "currently" up to!

I'm currently listening to the wind blowing the leaves across the deck!  I'm so NOT looking forward to cleaning the rest of the leaves up in our yard this year.  However, I know that with it being November I need to get to it sooner rather than later - after all, it is Minne"SNOW"ta that I live in!!

I'm loving this beautiful fall weather we're having!!  Today we took the kids down to Minneapolis to tailgate before the Vikings game and it was gorgeous out!  We didn't actually go to the game, but everyone had fun hanging out, making new friends and throwing the football around!

I'm currently thinking about school this week and just knowing I have to write sub plans for Friday!  I've started working on them - so that's a start!  Why does it have to be so much more work to be "absent" than it does to just be at school and teach for the day?!

I'm currently wanting to change up my Jamicure!!  I need to put new ones on - while I love my current "snow" ones (I was Elsa for Halloween so I just had to have wraps that coordinated!!) I want something fun and new!  The best part about Jamberry Nail Wraps is their so inexpensive, that I can change them after just a few days!  Do you want to try a sample?  Send me a message or comment below and I'll get a sample in the mail to you!!  Check them out at --->

I'm currently needing to take a NAP!!

I'm currently reading Blacklisted From the PTA and it's hilarious!  If you need a light, easy and funny read - check it out!!

I hope you're currently having a fantastic day!!  Be sure to check out some of the other blog posts over at Oh, Boy Fourth Grade!


  1. Just stopping by from Farley's Currently! I am enjoying the fall weather as favorite time of year! That book looks hilarious! I will definitely have to check it out!!

    1. Love it!! You'll definitely have to check it out - I can totally relate both as a mom and a teacher!!

  2. Hi there! I will definitely add this book to my reading list. It sounds funny. I bet you had tons of fun as Elsa. The nails are a nice touch. I have been thinking about buying some Jamberry Nails lately. I have friends that swear by them. Are the as easy to put on as they sound? Enjoy the fall weather!


    1. Oh my gosh! Elsa was so much fun! The students all loved it - I'm pretty sure every little girl at the school stopped by my room to say hello last Thursday (we didn't have school on Friday!)! Jamberrys are super easy (there's a little learning curve but great videos to help you learn!) Check out my Facebook page - Sarah Mulheran - Independent Jamberry Nail Wraps Consultant! Shoot me an email - - with your address and I'll pop some samples and instructions in the mail to you!! Happy Fall!!

  3. I always think about trying those nails, but I can be such a spaz. Are they hard to put on and shape? I had a game that involved Halloween, Elsa, and wine. LOL ! I have not dressed up in three years. I thin that is sad! That book looks so funny. I may have to add that to my reading list!

    1. Jamberrys are super easy (there's a little learning curve but great videos to help you learn!) You heat up the wraps, put them on your nails, file the extra off at the end (to get the shape of your nail) and heat again! It's all about heat and pressure! Check out my Facebook page - Sarah Mulheran - Independent Jamberry Nail Wraps Consultant! Shoot me an email - - with your address and I'll pop some samples and instructions in the mail to you!!

  4. Hi, Sarah! I've enjoyed reading your blog and wanted to pass on the Liebster award to you. Please stop by to check it out.
    Sarah from Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)
