You're Finally Here!

Monday, September 8, 2014
 (what took you so long?!)

I ordered the book "You're Finally Here!" by Melanie Watt at the beginning of August.  I had no idea it would not arrive until well after school had started!!  (In fact, I still don't actually have the book in my hands!)  I had found some super cute activities to do with the book for the start of school on Teachers Pay Teachers from Linda Camp.  I was so excited to use these new products I could hardly wait for school to start!  Imagine my surprise when it was the Friday before Labor Day (school would start the following Tuesday) and I just realized I still did not have the book in my possession?!  I quickly checked all the local libraries, finding that the closest one to have a copy on the shelves was over an hour away (for the record I did NOT go pick it up!)

Instead, I had to do what most teachers have to do on a daily basis - improvise!  I found this cute YouTube Clip that was like a teaser to the book.  The students watched it and we discussed how bored the little bunny had gotten, while he was waiting!!

We brainstormed a list of things that took us so long to get back to school.  "What were you doing this summer that kept you from coming back to school?"  The kids came up with a fantastic list!

We went ahead and made our "speaking bubbles" and attached them to the photos I had taken on the first day of school and made our cute hall display.  Then a student said - "Mrs. Mulheran, when the book finally does come, we can say - You're Finally Here!  What took you so long?!"  I love when they make the connections all on their own!!

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