- You HAVE to Check It Out!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How do you plan your lessons for daily instruction?  I recently discovered and LOVE it!  I used the 30 day FREE trial and quickly decided it was well worth the $12.99 to purchase a year's subscription to the site!  

I can do so many things, here's just a few of my favorites:
* I can enter in all of my classes with customized times.
*I can add events like school pictures, MAP testing, etc.
*I can bump lessons to a date in the future if we didn't finish what I had planned.
*I can easily copy and repeat lessons every day (ex. Morning Meeting and Calendar Math)
*I can share a non-editable view with others that need to see what we're doing in the classroom (ex. our ELL teacher, who team teaches Math with me).
*I can send my plans to my Principal for viewing.
*I can easily (with only a few clicks) add the MN State Standards to each part of the lesson, ensuring that I am teaching things that are aligned with our standards.
*I downloaded the app to my iPad and can work anywhere I have WiFi, including my children's gymnastics lessons!
*It's very inexpensive!!

What do you use?  Share the pros and cons of your lesson planning templates, software or plan book in the comments below!  No matter what you use, I'd highly recommend giving a shot with their 30-day FREE trial!!

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