Blog Hoppin Linky with #TeacherMomOfTwo

Monday, July 14, 2014
It's a linky friends!!  I've linked up with Blog Hoppin.

This linky party is to share what I've been up to with Blog Hoppin's Scavenger hunt!  It's been a lot of fun as I've been searching high and low (and recruited some friends to help me out, too) for 105 of the 200+ items listed!  We have to take pictures of random things with our "Blog Hoppin' 2014" sign, then post them to Instagram.  

There are some pretty great prizes in store, once you reach 105 points.  I'm almost there - I've got 69 points so far!  I've really got my eye on the Canon Rebel camera that is the grand prize!

Here are a few of my favorite photos:
(Left to Right) someone's feet in the sand,
Blog Hoppin' 2014 written in the sand,
something on fire,
see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
a golf cart

a neck pillow,
something exactly 4" long
a visor

It's definitely been fun getting others involved to help me out along the way!

Are you interested in following along?  All pictures must be posted to Instagram.  There you can follow me at:

You can check out what other teachers/bloggers have posted by following the hashtag: #bloghoppin2014

If you're interested in joining in on the fun, head over to Blog Hoppin!  The scavenger hunt ends August 6th!


  1. You are rollin' along for sure. I love that you already checked the golf cart off of your list! That was the first one I went for :) Keep up the great work and here's to being a big winner!!!

  2. love that you have some adorable help!

  3. How cute is that neck pillow... AND the cutie holding it!
