No School, What Do We Do?

Sunday, March 15, 2020
With all that is happening in our world today, it can be scary.  However, I am looking on the positive side and know that closing schools is doing our part to flatten the curve and help keep the health care system able to work within capacity.  As a parent and a teacher, I worry, what can we have all of these students working on to, at minimum sustain their learning, and ultimately help them progress their learning during these days off?  

I am hoping to share some things that I have compiled {and for which I take no credit in creating} that are helping me to plan for the days ahead. 
Hopefully they will help you plan for the days ahead, too!

First off, this amazing Daily Schedule from Jessica McHale Photography is fantastic!!  I have modified mine slightly to better benefit my middle school aged children, but as you'll see, I have taken her basic template to work with!
I have pulled out my daughter's 7th grade "Big Ideas Math" workbook and our Summer Bridge Activities workbooks from last summer for a portion of the "Academic Time."  Keeping in mind that if these school closures continue long term, the schools will be sending work home for them to complete during these times as well.  

I'll be stopping by the Dollar Tree to pick up some Sudoku books {think math} for the kids as well as some word search and crossword puzzle books {think reading and vocabulary}.  

I just ordered a new game from Amazon - Pairzi - to add to our "Board Game" time on the schedule!  Our family loves the Tenzi family of games and this looked like another perfect addition to pass the time.  Some of our other favorites are Uno and Uno Flip.

Now to change gears and look at resources for elementary aged children.  At this point, I do not know what "e-learning" will look like for my first grade students.  However, I know that parents will be looking for things to do with their children this week and likely next week as well, with cancelled spring break plans.  As noted previously, I have not created any of these activities, but hope to provide you with some links to great resources created by fellow educators across the country!  If you have found something I've not shared, please share in the comments!!

Teachers Pay Teachers is an exceptional resource and many educators are offering e-learning opportunities and activities for free during this COVID-19 pandemic.  







Talk to your child's teacher to see if they can get this set up!!

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