Science Quiz Game Show Time

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 No comments

Are you looking for a fun way to review science concepts with your students?

I recently scored this awesome Science Quiz Game Show set from a garage sale.  It is originally from Lakeshore Learning.

We recently learned about classifying animals and their habitats in 3rd grade science.  I invited another 3rd grade class to join us as we worked in small teams to review before our test!

Everyone loves a little bit of friendly competition and of course it was another way to make learning FUN!  

Side note:  Do you see how many clips it took to hold this thing up?!  It's heavy once you put all of those cards in the pockets!

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Back to School We Go...

Tuesday, September 1, 2015 No comments

Yesterday was our first day back to school, with students.  I always get excited about the first day of school...almost as excited as my own kiddos!

This year I am a 3rd grade teacher and I have a 3rd grade daughter and 2nd grade son.  It's been kind of fun to keep moving up through the grades as my daughter moves upward and onward!  She has this silly idea that I will keep moving up...4th grade, then 5th grade, etc.  I'm hoping that this is not the case though!  I think I'm going to really love teaching third grade and can't wait to see what the year ahead holds for me!

My happy little 3rd grade peanut!

My handsome little 2nd grade stud!

Are your kiddos back in school yet?  We had an early start this year.  It was our first year to start before Labor Day!!  I'm looking forward to an exciting 3 day weekend ahead!