Gymnastics Meets

Saturday, August 15, 2015

There is one thing in this world that my daughter LOVES doing more than anything else!  Do you know what it is?!  If you guessed GYMNASTICS, you were right!  Kylie has been on a travel soccer team for a couple of seasons, and she's tried hip hop dance.  She has played tennis, and she has enjoyed being on a swim team.  However, nothing brings more joy and excitement to her face than when she gets to do her "gymnastics thing!"  

At the end of the summer, both Kylie and Mason competed in their "in-house" meet at TAGS Gymnastics.  Mason enjoys gymnastics and loves tumbling around the house.  He did well at his meet!

Mason walked away with 2 first place ribbons and 1 second place ribbon.  Overall, he took first place for his level!  He was so excited and we were pretty darn proud of him!!

Kylie did well at her meet, too!  She loved the competition of the meet and worked really hard to perform more difficult skills than others in her level.  As a result, she did not receive the highest accolades, but we know she did her very best!!  She was so proud of her hard work, as she should have been!

At the end of the summer, Kylie was asked to be on the TAGS Junior Olympic Training Team 2!  This is what she's been {dreaming} of since she was a little girl.  Kylie has been a gymnast since she was a tumbling toddler in a Mommy & Me class!  She now is at the gym 2.5 hours a night, 3 nights a week!!  While it is very busy, we know we made the right decision to allow her this opportunity because she is in heaven!!  I've never seen someone work so hard at something, for so many hours, to then come home and continue to practice for hours on end!!

What have your kiddos done lately that makes you so happy to see the joy, excitement and pride on their faces and in their eyes?

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