Woohoo! It's finally Friday! And guess what?! Tomorrow is my birthday!!

Last Sunday I participated in the Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon! While I'm a pretty slow runner, I do enjoy it! I was able to relay the half marathon with my sister-in-law. I ran the first 5.75 miles and she ran the last 7.35 miles. My goal was to do my part in 1:10. I succeeded and finished my part in 1:08!!

Last week we were able to wrap up our research on Antarctica by having our parents come in for presentations!
The kids worked so hard and came up with some awesome posters, models, paintings, slide shows and even a poem!

In Math we are working on fractions. I love fractions because they can be so fun to teach, but sometimes they are so hard to understand!
I broke out my Hershey Bar Fractions book and brought in Hershey bars for everyone!
Let's just say it got the kids a little more excited to learn about fractions with chocolate!!

I love making things...as I'm sure you already know if you've read my blog!! And for my husband's birthday party I decided to make 2 more yard games to add to our stash! I spray painted a life size Twister board in my backyard as well as made a life size version of Kerplunk!!
While I have to say they looked pretty cool, I think Kerplunk was more of a Ker-FAIL!! I think I need to buy larger plastic balls at a garage sale this summer! Turns out the balls all fell out before we could even start playing the game!

Last night I was able to present (along with 5 of my students!!) at our district's Learning with Technology showcase! It was a lot of fun to show off some of the things the kids have been doing in the classroom with technology! 4 of my students shared their slideshows on Google Slides that they created for their Antarctica research and one student demonstrated how we use iPads with our Persobalized Learning Plans!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of you happy mommas out there!!