Newspaper Puppies

Sunday, October 19, 2014

In class we read a Henry and Mudge story a couple weeks ago.  I wanted a cute craft to complete with the kids that would also "serve a purpose!"  So, as usual, I perused Pinterest and was not 100% in love with anything I found.  I did find a cute newspaper puppy that I was able to adapt into a meaningful but fun project for the kids!

I provided the kids with cardboard tracers to create the dog, head, eyes, spots and collar.  They were left to their own devices to create the nose and ears!  I was pretty impressed with how they all turned out!  We had spent some time throughout the week describing Mudge and why he was a good dog for Henry.  So, I carried that over and had the kids write words that described dogs, things they need, things they do, etc. around the border of their project.

The kids had fun, we reviewed a little and they took home an adorable craft!  

Some of them looked more like rabbits than dogs, but hey, that's okay!!

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