Compare & Contrast

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Today at Summer Explorers we did a fun activity to work on the Standard:  I can compare and contrast characters in different stories.  Yesterday I read the students the book "Bad Dog, Marley!" by John Grogan and today I read them the story "Some Dog" by Mary Casanova.  

In each of the books we discussed the characters, main events and setting.  We spent an extra focus on George (Some Dog) and Marley (Bad Dog, Marley!) in our discussions.

We worked together as a class to start brainstorming ideas for a Venn Diagram on the two main characters.  The kids came up with some great ideas!  It was fun to see how well they had listened and comprehended the story!

As we brainstormed together, the kids worked on creating their own Venn diagrams and artwork to help them remember each of the stories.  As always, most of the kids preferred the drawing to the writing!!

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